Tuesday, June 19, 2007

AdSense in RSS

With the growth of blogs and RSS feeds you’re starting to see adsense included in the feeds now. IMHO this doesn’t work, and here’s why:
- You only get to place one ad unit.
- You have no control over finding the ’sweet spot’ for the ad unit.
- The ads are usually poorly targeted (this is getting better).
- People develop ‘banner blindness’.
I know people like being able to read full postings in their feed reader, and there are at least a dozen other reasons for full posts from pleasing your users to mobile offline computing, all of which are completely valid.
However if your website depends on generating adsense revenue to survive, then bring them to the site and show them the ads there.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hari Ini, Saya Sudah Download AGLOCO Viewbar !

Akhirnya, bagi anda yang bermukim di kawasan Indonesia -- termasuk saya juga tentunya -- sudah bisa mendownload Viewbar mulai hari ini, Selasa 5 Juni 2007. Saya baru saja men-download-nya pukul 10.05 WIB pagi ini. Untuk mendownloadnya, Anda cukup login ke account Anda, nanti Anda akan melihat tombol download Viewbar. Klik saja di situ.

Filenya tidak terlalu besar, hanya sekitar 2,17 Mb. Tidak masalah pada saat mendownload. Meski bisa jadi banyak orang men-download pada saat bersamaan pada pagi ini.

Saya mendownload menggunakan software untuk mendownload Download Accelerator Plus 7, dan hanya memerlukan waktu tidak sampai 5 menit (sekitar 4 menit 55 detik !)

Barusan si Viewbar yang ditunggu-tunggu banyak orang ini sudah saya install dan sekarang sudah duduk manis di bagian bawah explorer. Cuma iklannya ternyata belum ada, jadi ketika saya test ya masih kosong. Ada 4 pilihan warna skin yang bisa digunakan: blue, green, purple dan red. Pilihan bahasanya cuma ada dua (untuk Asia): Inggris dan Cina. Viewbar bisa disimpan di bawah atau di atas, tergantung selera.

Semua pengaturan tadi bisa diakses dengan cara meng-klik kanan icon lingkaran hijau Agloco di tray bagian kanan bawah. Begitu di-klik, akan muncul menu yang memudahkan Anda untuk melakukan pengaturan atau setting.

Nah, Anda yang belum men-download, ayo download segera! Yang belum punya account Agloco, Anda tentu harus mendaftar jadi member dulu, karena meskipun Anda punya Viewbar, aktivitas Anda tidak akan tercatat kalau belum menjadi member. Untuk mendaftar jadi member, silakan klik di sini. Setelah itu, baru Anda mendownload Viewbar.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Download Viewbar : Siap Siap di Pekan Ini

Lama tak ada kabarnya, akhirnya muncul juga pernyataan resmi soal Viewbar AGLOCO. Brian Greenwald, anggota tim pengembangan Agloco, menyatakan bahwa Viewbar siap diluncurkan pekan ini. Email berisi link download Viewbar akan disebar mulai Senin (Selasa pagi untuk kawasan Asia). Apakah rencana ini akan berjalan mulus atau tidak, kita tunggu saja.
Berikut kutipan lengkap dari Brian Greenwald, yang saya copy dari MarketingPond Forum.
June 2, 2007 at 9:56 am

Sorry to be so long between posts. There was no meaningful news to give you until today.

We have made a workaround regarding the ad server problem and we will finally be launching the Viewbar. Some, but not all, of our ad networks will be connected. These networks have enough ads on them, so we are comfortable releasing the software as we continue to work on the outstanding issues that remain with the other networks. All of the preliminary Viewbar functions are there, but with the ad problems we will not be initially launching with the personalized ad targeting. We will continue to develop this capability after we have launched and when it is available the new version of the software will be incorporated into your viewbar automatically.

Remember that this is the first version of the Viewbar (v1.0), and with the Viewbar being automatically self-updating software, gradual improvement (both aesthetically and functionally) will appear seamlessly (you also have an option to turn off this feature and ask for updates manually, though we recommend leaving the auto-updating feature active so that you always have the latest software as improvements are made).

This weekend the Viewbar download is being moved from the test servers to the main servers. We will NOT need to temporarily take down the web site as we had thought, so we will not be sending out an email warning on that. If the transfer goes smoothly, the first download emails will be going out Monday morning California time (early Tuesday in Asia).

Please remember:

If you have a Norton firewall you may be asked to allow access to "viewbar.exe" and "update.exe" (please check "Permit Access Always" for proper installation of the Viewbar).

The Viewbar is currently available for Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista and will work with IE (Internet Explorer) or Firefox browsers.

I'm sure you are all just as ready for the Viewbar release as we are!

Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team

Saatnya mendapatkan hak kita. Surfing dibayar. Referring temen juga dibayar. Daftar GRATIS! Di Agloco, nggak ada biaya tersembunyi. 100% GRATIS!!