Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sex Should Not Always Night

Many people argue that sexual activity should be done at night. Nighttime is considered as a good time to have sex so there is the term "wedding night" instead of "noon bride".

Nightclubs entertainment wrapped Esek Esek was mostly open at night. Although lately many sexual terms also performed during the day such as "sex after lunch", mostly in our minds really deserved to have sex at night. Is this correct?

Actually, if you see the portion of our work is mostly done during the day until late afternoon, the evening is usually the time to restore power back to work the next day. For those who are fortunate to work until 17.00 hours only, then there is a distance long enough to rest while waiting to have sex with your wife / husband around 21:00.

However, what about a new get home at night 19:00 to 20:00 due to blocked traffic on the road. So if there can be enough energy to have sex at about 22:00 to 23:00.

If it is still capable of, please do this at night. However, if you feel tired, especially if both spouses work, so-so would just wait until morning when I wake up.

Although in the traditional sexual activity of men more than women's activities, both sides in the exertion of sexual activity in which if similar. However, the more pity that women who work and have to take care of the household and children.

Incredible hassle if so. Not to mention fatigue as a domestic affair gone, should get ready to prepare the ground for the planes of the father who wants to land. Really need the power. No wonder exhaustion before sexual intercourse often causes female orgasm difficult. Some people view sexual relations as part of service to the husband who can not be denied. There is no element there to enjoy sex as husband and wife.

Sex in the morning

Actual sexual intercourse is also convenient in the morning. If getting enough sleep, then wake up, your partner can do a good sexual relationship. Moreover, if the morning, the man who is still healthy to have an erection that time. This could further add to the excitement in the morning. Women are also still in a fresh condition upon awakening.

However, it is difficult to do if they work from a place far from home. Waking up is necessary immediately to prepare themselves and children. The father also rushed to the office so as not to late and jammed on the road. Finally, sex is forgotten or if there is anything done as quickly as possible.

This problem is often experienced by couples today when the time is meaningful to both the less because of busy each. If so, please see the back of your activity, including intercourse. If you are aged 20-40 years but less than once a week had sexual intercourse, it means you have to start alert. Lest you've forgotten to enjoy a meaningful sexual relationship!
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