Monday, October 10, 2011

"Temu Kunci" Cure Thrush

This spice plants used for seasoning vegetables nodes. It smells fragrant aromatic and slightly bitter taste. Each region in Indonesia and other Asian countries have their own designation for the plant-rich properties of this herb.

Rally is one of the temu kunci plants known as a cooking spice in Southeast Asia. Key retrieval form somewhat different from other herbs because the growth of vertically down its length up to 50cm. Elongated oval, pelepahnya red, fragrant flowers, the petals are arranged to form a tube.

This plant grows wild in lowland tropical forests and teak. Planting is done by the distance between plants with 3000 cm, can be harvested a year later after planting. This plant grows in the countries Greece, Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka and is also cultivated in Indochina.

This plant has a Latin name Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb.) Schlecht, spice plants classified as a type of ginger, turmeric, kencur and rhizomes. Gathering key known by different names in Indonesia. As in the land of Java called (kunci), Bali (temu konci), Bhima (dumu kunci), Madurese (temo kunce), Ternate (tampute). While in other countries such as China Intersection known by the name (ow sun ziang), Thailand (krachai), and in Inngris call (fingerroot).

Temu Kunci containing resin, starch and volatile oil as much as 1.2%, its leaves have anti venom. Efficacious overcome indigestion, curing cough, appetite enhancer, and spur the release of breast milk (ASI).

Besides temu kunci can also heal sores that usually attacks the inner lip, tongue, gums and palate in the oral cavity. Rinse rhizomes key meeting then chew and swallow, or can also be chewed with betel nut which can quickly heal canker sores and dry cough. It feels fresh, fragrant with a hint of slightly bitter taste.

Rhizome temu kunci is very easy to get, not only can be purchased diswalayan key retrieval can be found in the traditional market that sells a variety of herbs. The price is very cheap. If pressed tuber will watery, so choose a quite old tuber and root tuber hard.
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