Thursday, November 10, 2011

Violence Game Affect Brain Patterns

The debate about game violence and its effects have lasted for nearly two decades. Recent research reveals, there is a negative reaction that changes the pattern in the brain due to play a violent game.

Brain scans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) showed long-term effects of violent game play that is influential in the changing area of ​​the brain associated with cognitive function and emotional control.

Reported by TG Daily and quoted on Thursday (1/12/2011), this effect is particularly susceptible occurs in adolescent boys. Analysis results also indicate, violence-themed game only takes one week to be an impact on changes in brain patterns.

"For the first time, we found a random sample that showed a reduced activation in certain areas of the forebrain, after participants played a violent game for a week," said Yang Wang, Research Assistant Professor of Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, USA.

He mentioned, this is very important brain region controlling emotion and aggressive behavior. So do not be surprised if violent games rated as one of the triggers of criminal behavior.

The negative effects of violent games is continue to be a controversial topic. Several studies mention the need for control over the circulation of games like this so as not to adversely affect teenagers and children. But there is also another study that refute the opinion.

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